Thursday, September 27, 2007

Time Management Articles

For those not in CST300, this assignment involves going to this site, reading at least the first 5 articles, and talking about 3 things we learned.

In reading those articles, I learned that a little effort goes a long way, if structured right. With good planning, good preparation, and the right mindset, it takes very little time to get things done. I also learned that procrastination is much more dangerous than I previously thought. I've been learning that for myself lately, because I tend to procrastinate. This website lists it very clearly though. The third thing I learned is that a to-do list helps. I've had some experience with this in my own life, but I still don't use to-do lists as much as I probably should. Hmm, I should make a note of that. "Todo: use to do lists more." Hope I remember to check this to do list.

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