Friday, October 23, 2009

Thoughts, Week 8

We've had the past two weeks to do two assignments: update our proposal (as usual), and actually start our ILP Portfolio. We were supposed to start it earlier this semester, but now it's actually due. Well, the first part of it anyway. That's a good thing because it means I took some time to flesh it out and make sure all the required content is there. And this way, I've got a head start on the rest of it, since I've got the design and format already done.

The ILP site updating was mostly uneventful. The core MLOs are listed on the ITCD site, and I still had evidence for just about everything. I didn't have as much for my math class (Math 170: Discrete Mathematics), and I showed evidence for Advanced C++ rather than regular C++. (I essentially assessed out of regular C++. I took a similar course at my old college and I convinced the professor that I shouldn't have to repeat the material.) It all works out though.

The two sections we added this time were the Milestones and Timeline. Creating Milestones was good because it forced me to break my tasks down into very small parts. Creating the Timeline after that was easy, it just involved figuring out how to tell Excel to do what I wanted it to do. Putting the Timeline into MS Word was the hardest part, actually. It's hard to make that much information fit on a single page in a visual format. I got it done though, and it still looks okay in my opinion.

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